


1850   Birth of Louis Stevenson (l'Ile au trésor)
Death of Honore de Balzac
1851   Birth of Aristide Bruant
1852 Death of Louis Braille
Death of Thomas Moore
Death of the Duke of Wellington
1853   Birth of Vincent Van Gogh
1854   Birth of George Eastman (founder of Kodak)
Birth of Arthur Rimbaud
1855   Death of Gerard de Nerval
1856   Treaty of Paris, (end of Crimea war)
Birth of Sigmund Freud
Birth of George Brenard Shaw
Death of Robert Schumann
1857   Death of Alfred de Musset
Death of Eugène Sue
1858   Birth of Courteline
Birth of Rudolf Diesel
1859   Birth of Pierre Curie
Birth of Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)
Birth of Jean Jaurès
Birth of Edouard Michelin
1861   Begin of Secession war
1862   Birth of Claude Debussy
Birth of Auguste Lumière
1864   Convention of Geneva
Birth of Louis Lumière
First apparition of phylloxera in Gard
1865   End of Secession War
Death of Leopold 1 (fisrt king of Belgium)
Death of Abraham Lincoln
Birth of Erik Satie
1867   Birth of Marie Curie
Death of CHarles Baudelaire
1869 Invention of the dynamo by Zenobe Gramme
Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
Birth of Henri Matisse
Death of Hector Berlioz
Death of Charles Goodyear
Canal of Suez
1870   Death of Charles Dickens
Death of Alexandre Dumas
War between France and Prussia
1871   Commune de Paris
End of war between France and Prussia
1872 Birth of Amundsen
Birth of Louis Bleriot
1873   Birth of Alfred Jarry
1874   Birth of Arnold Schönberg
1875 Birth of Maurice Ravel
Death of Georges Bizet
1876 Little Big Horn battle
Death of George Sand
1877   Birth of Louis Renault
Birth of Emiliano Zapata
1878   Independance of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgary and Romania
Birth of Andre Citroën
1879 Birth of Albert Einstein
1880 Birth of Guillaume Apollinaire
1885 Birth of Sacha Guitry
1888 End of slavery in Brazil
1889   Invention of petrol motor (Daimler)
Construction of Eifel Tower in Paris
1890   Wounded Knee battle
Death of Vincent van Gogh
1891 Death of Arthur Rimbaud
1894 Dreyfus Affair in France
1895 Death of Louis Pasteur
1897 Death of Alphonse Daudet
1898 Birth of Enzo Ferrari


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